designed for YOU
how we make your dreams a reality
the idea
“How can we design a bike around this Paul Smith Land Rover?”
The first step in our process comes in the form of a conversation, “what are your thoughts, do you have any points of inspiration, what do you want the design to make you feel when you look at it?” Turns out, your Mom was right, you really can learn a lot from listening!
We have been at this for a long time so even if you do not have a design in mind we can create something for you from scratch that you are sure to love.
Once we have a good idea to play with the real fun starts and we start dreaming for you. We tend to think of bikes as more than just a frame (and so should you) therefore, we usually put attention into the entire build not just the design of the frame. We start to ask ourselves questions at this point; how will the bike be used, who is using it, what parts are going on it, what parts should go on it and how can we turn the entire design up to 11?!
At this point you will start to get some design files that will look a lot like the one shown here. This is when and where we refine the concept until it is perfect for you and ready for the paint shop.
the concept
the love affair
This is the fun part for the customer and the sad part for us! At this point the paint has dried, the bike has possibly been built up and its time for us to say goodbye to it and for you to start your long love affair with it. Since your bike is now a direct extension of yourself, everytime you ride it you are likely to experience high levels of bliss and excitement.
Congratulations, you now have an item you are going to hold onto for a very long time if not forever, this makes for a very affordable bike when averaged over the years used!